One-Pot Blueberry and Banana Coconut Quinoa Porridge
breakfast, recovery, gluten-free, recipes, plant-based Tyler Zipperer breakfast, recovery, gluten-free, recipes, plant-based Tyler Zipperer

One-Pot Blueberry and Banana Coconut Quinoa Porridge

I was inspired to recreate this recipe after visiting Cool River Coffee in Breckenridge for breakfast after a cool and crisp morning spent nordic skiing. Quinoa is a great alternative to oatmeal for a hot, toasty breakfast. In this recipe, the quinoa is boiled with coconut milk and served with two kinds of fruits and seeds for a sweet, filling start to your morning.

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Bike Crispy Bar(s)

Bike Crispy Bar(s)

As cyclists, we want to look forward to the food we are fueling with and making sure it’s meets our nutritional needs. So what is something that is energy packed, easy to digest and enjoyable to eat? Bike Crispy Bar(s)! They are light and crispy, made with sprouted brown rice cereal and natural sweeteners.

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