An Intro To The New Biked Goods Cookbook and the WHY Behind It

When BIG things happen at Biked Goods, I get on my bike, slip on my apron and socks, and grab a mug of coffee.

I'm excited to announce that the first Biked Goods cookbook is open for preorder!

The book is called 40 Bite-Sized Snacks and Small Meals for Cyclists On-The-Go. Right now it’s available for preorder until March 27th and plans to start shipping the week of Monday, May 8th.

To give you an intro to the book and the WHY behind it…

When talking with and learning from people about their main challenge when it comes to making more homemade food or improving and making changes to their nutrition, the most common response I got was: 


So this book is a response and solution to that challenge.

When it comes to making “time” or changes to something in your life like nutrition, and I won’t be the first to tell you, it’s not going to happen overnight.

Personally, I was at a point in my life where my diet wasn’t that greatest and my food choices could have been better. And the first thing I did (and what you need to do) to make “time” is WANT IT. You have it come up with your WHY. 

For me, that’s making sure my body is properly fueled to take on my own personal cycling training and goals, to be able to mountain bike coach kids, work a full-time job, run my own business, and be a husband to my wife. 

This isn’t just about the short-term either. It’s about doing all of this long-term in a sustainable way.

And I know If I don’t prioritize my health and nutrition, I won’t be able to give my 100% to everything else I love to do. 

Once you want it enough and come up with your WHY to make the “time”, it takes small, consistent steps and actions over time to get the results you seek.

So that’s why I start the book off by sharing my personal experiences and making sure you’re set up for success. I provide an easy pantry setup guide, recommended cooking appliances, meal-prepping tips, and 5-minute actions that will help save you time and inspire you to get in the kitchen more.

The goal with all of the above ^^^ is to help you build the foundation to actually make the recipes included in the book. These include a variety of cycling snacks and single-serve or small-batch meals that ALL take 30 minutes less in total. 

It’s ALOT to ask someone who doesn’t have “time” to block off 2-3 hours during their week to cook or prep a big, fancy meal. But how about a recipe that includes minimal ingredients, a short prep time, and tastes delicious?

Apple Slice Rice Cake: A 5-minute snack recipe from the book that includes a whole food (apple) healthy fat (tahini), natural sweetener (maple syrup), whole grain (rice cake), and antioxidant/anti-inflammatory properties (cinnamon)

Once you get in the habit of making small amounts of time to cook and fuel yourself, things will start getting easier, and it’ll become second nature over time. (small wins!)

That’s what this book is all about and why I put the time and effort into putting it together: To help fuel your journey of lifelong health, happiness, and many bike rides ahead.

I invite you to preorder the book, when you do you’ll also get some free bonus swag items with your order.

Thanks for your support! Excited to get cooking in the kitchen with ya.

Tyler Zipperer

I’m a Squarespace designer and trainer that helps entrepreneurs and small business owners start, build and grow their website presence.

Chocolate Quinoa Breakfast Bowl (or mug!)


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